My host family in Santa Eulalia

Carmen (mom), Melissa (sister), Fidel (dad), and Gian Carlos (brother-not pictured) at the host-family appreciation party. I had a great family experience during training. Carmen and I always played pranks on each other. One of my favorite family experiences was when Carmen, Melissa, and I had a full scale water fight in the house. We were all soaking wet and water was running down the staircase! I remember thinking that this would never happen in the states. Melissa and I became good friends as-well. Melissa was always studying for her medical school exams and I was always annoying her. I did not see Gian Carlos much becuase he was usually playing soccer with his friends. The wierd thing about Gian was that although he was a typical skinny 15-year old, that boy could eat more food that a fat man. It was common to see him eat 3 or 4 oranges and then switch over and eat 3 or 4 bananas. I always called him mono, which means monkey in spanish. Fidel, my host dad and super cop, was an interesting fellow. He and I had many discussions over politics and the terrorism that occured in Peru during the 80s and 90s. I still keep in contact with my host family and miss them a lot.
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