Thursday, November 10, 2005

Losing and Winning the War against the Mosquitos

If you go back and read the story intitled, ¨Winning the War Against the Mosquitos¨, well that story was completely false. That night after I took a picture of myself in front of my mosquito net looking like an idiot, I had one of the worse nights sleeping. I thought I was so smart and that I finally won the war. ¨No mosquito could bite me now¨, I thought. That night somehow their were mosquitos hiding under my bed and during the night clandestinely worked their way up through the net and attacked me with vengence. I remember holding my flashlight under my ¨tent of protection¨trying to kill each little mosquito that was trapped in my mosquito net.

Well, this blog is an update. The next day I went and bought the most powerful fan in the market. Every night I sleep in peace knowing that the mosquitos can´t land on my face as long as there is a high powered stream of air blowing over my body. It´s been a week now and I no longer worry about getting bit while I sleep.


Blogger garretth said...

you are an ingenious and scrappy muskrat.

12:04 PM


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