When Life Gives you lemons, Make Lemonade

On a recent trip up in the mountains a few hours up the road from my house I was amazed to see how many varieties of fruit were in season. While on a hike, my girlfriend and I secretly began picking a few oranges from every orange tree we found. My buddy told me its okay to pick from any tree, even if its in front of someone´s house, as long as its just a couple, not a bag full. Since, I knew that oranges were moderately more expensive in the city, I thought Id collect a few to treat myself to a glass of fresh squeezed juice when I arrive at the base of the mountain. What became a fun little idea quickly became an obession. We picked and picked as many as we could as quickly as we could in hopes none of the farmers would see us. Before long we noticed that the others in the group were way a head and that my backpack was breaking at the zippers. When we stuffed the last 2 oranges that could fit we decided it was enough. Instead of a glass of juice we made 2 pitchers of orange juice.
By the way, if you want to try something different. Sqeeze about 10 green oranges, add a little sugar, and carbonated mineral water and you have fantastic juice.
I can´t drink bottled or canned juice after drinking the real stuff.
Those are very green oranges. Thanks for sharing you adventure with us.
4:24 AM
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