My Pets

Well since Oct. 4th is the official ¨Animal Day¨ in Peru in honor of the patron saint of animals, Francis of Assisi, I thought it would be appropriate to show you all my pets. The big Rottweiler is named ¨Duke¨, but Peruvians pronounce his name, ¨Dookay¨. Duke and I are really good buddies. He is always happy to see me which provides therapy on bad days. Tomorrow I plan on buying him a collar and leash so we can run together. The first few weeks I had to train him not to hump on my leg. He is getting better day after day.
The Parrot is named Pocho. I don´t have any real funny things to say about Pocho at this point. He is just a Parrot that likes to fuss until he gets fed his Papaya. He likes to hide in the trees but when I call his name and stand under his tree he flys down and lands on my shoulder. He also likes to bite me. I wish he could speak Spanish.
The newest addition to the group is my tortoise. I am still deciding on a name to give her but I have a pretty good idea what I am going to call her. I just got her today... While I was in the market my boss and I stumbled across the pet section and decided to stop and see all the animals. Most of the animals were parrots, canaries, rabbits, and guinea pigs but the one that stuck out the most was this poor tortoise that was crammed inside a cage with some rabbits. Well, as my boss started getting out her pocket book I thought she was buying the tortoise for her son´s birthday but later as I started carrying the tortoise through the market I found out she bought it for me. I guess I always wanted a tortoise that will live to be over 100 years old and grow to be an enormous size. I told her thanks for the tortoise and brought her home.
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