Trujillo Thanksgiving Vacation
This year I spent Thanksgiving with many of my volunteer friends from my training class. Trujillo was our destination, a beautiful coastal city north of Lima. Most of us stayed in a beach hostal in a small town outside of Trujillo. During the week, many of us surfed, visited ruins, shopped, and made fires on the beach at night. Of course on Thanksgiving we had the biggest Thanksgiving feast I have ever seen.
For most of the volunteers it was the first time in months since we had seen some of our close volunteer friends. Most people live more than 10 hours from the furthest volunteers. I had an awesome time spending weekend with such good friends when I couldn´t be home with family.
Ruins- Las Huacas del Sol y La Luna

Plaza de Armas Trujillo
Every town and city in Peru has a central plaza called plaza de armas which contains a church and a municipality office

Huanchacho Beach Town (outside of Trujillo)
The boats ¨Caballitos de Totora¨ in the background are made of reeds and ride much like a kayak. This is ancient tradition is still practiced in Trujillo.
I tried out the surfing in Peru for the first time. I did well but was so out of shape that I could only go for an hour, plus the water was ice cold.

Cathedral in Trujillo
Trujillo is a clean, organized, and charming city on the coast of Peru.

Peruvian Hairless Dog
This breed of dog is indegineous to Peru and was once considered sacred by the Incan and pre Incan civilizations. I read somewhere that the Peruvian hairless dog has a higher body temperture and therefore was placed in the beds of sick people to aid in the healing process. I think it is probably one of the ugliest breed of dogs I have ever seen. Not in a million years could someone put one of those dogs in my bed.

I once slept with a peruvian hairless. It was maybe the worst night of my life. Wait a minute... no it wasn't.
11:04 AM
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