Can you Believe it?
Can you believe that I got bit by a bat? The Peace Corps doctors were a little suspicious when I called at 3am saying that a bat bit me. So I took pictures to prove it. A few weeks ago after coming home late from a circus (the plot thickens) I entered my bedroom that is not connected to the rest of the house. As I was getting ready to go to bed a bat flew in from out of no where and landed by my foot. I love bats and am curious about them since I have never seen one up close. I picked it up with a towel. It didn´t like that at all. As it was struggling to free himself his head popped out of the towel and reached over and bit my thumb. There wasn´t a lot of blood but it was enough to make me think about rabies. I called the doc and he told me to keep it somewhere until tomorrow. To make a long story short, the bat escaped from its overnight storage place (my clothes hamper) and hid in my room for a half day until I found him under my bed. The doctors sent a rabies vaccine from Lima since Piura didn´t have the newest one, only the one that requires 12 injections in the thanks. I still get teased about turning into a vampire from the PC doctors.

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