Killer Octopus
A few weeks ago I was at the beach when one of the Peruvians that was staying at the house with us brought back a sack full of creatures from the sea. The sack included two octopuses, a bunch of mussels, and a wierd looking fish twith moss and barnicles on it´s skin that of which resembled something from the ocean floor. Well, with my curiosity, I began poking at the creatures in the sink. Thinking they were dead or nearly dead I began touching the top of one of the octupuses, when, suddenly it awoke from the dead and furiously slithered its way out of the sink and attached itself to the wall. As it worked its way behind the fridge I began to yell for help. I didn´t want to touch it because I didn´t know if they bite or inject poison or whatever they do to protect themselves. As the Peruvian ran over to see what was the matter, they began to laugh at my ignorance. As they grabbed the head of the octupus and twisted the octopus let go of the wall and became still. They explained to me that they are harmless and you can pick them up. So thats what I did. They are very interesting creatures and fun to play with. As you know they have suction cups on their tentacles and at times are tough to get off your hand. The also change colors depending on their environment. For lunch we had a typical peruvian dish called Cebiche that included raw fish, and other sea food that we caught that morning (including octopus) that is marinated in lime juice and is served with onions and hot peppers.